When deciding whether or not you need braces, the first step is to see your dentist and have them examine your mouth. Your Corona dentist will carefully look at your teeth and smile and then
design a treatment plan that will correct your jaw or teeth. Although a dentist can tell you definitively whether or not braces are right for you, here’s some dental wisdom to help you see the more obvious signs your dentition gives you.Signs You Need Braces
Malocclusion – Otherwise known as an over or under-bite, more serious forms of malocclusion can lead to other issues in your dentition. It is divided into three classes, class one is common. Class two and three overbites and underbite, respectively, occur when the lower or upper jaw are severely out of alignment with the other. Some overbite is normal, but if you close your mouth normally and see an extreme difference in alignment, you may need braces. Without correction, malocclusion can lead to difficult while chewing, an abnormal facial appearance, and abnormal tooth alignment.
Teeth Spacing – When your permanent teeth first emerge, your baby teeth or bad dental habits may cause them to be crooked and out of line. If your teeth are severely crooked, improperly spaced, or pushed tight together, then your gums may not be secure around your teeth because of their alignment. Teeth that protrude may wear down against other teeth, be difficult to clean properly or increase the chance of a tooth injury. Misaligned teeth can be damaging to self-esteem as well, and you may not be confident in your smile.
Bad Breath – If you experience chronic bad breath no matter how good your dental habits are, then bacteria are getting trapped in your teeth. This could mean that some of your teeth are too close together or improper spacing in your teeth has permitted your gums to harbor food particles. Chronic bad breath can be a sign of other dental problems as well, but this is on way to verify that your teeth are not getting proper cleaning, and are therefore not completely clean.
Extreme Discomfort – Misaligned teeth and malocclusion can make your jaw muscles tight. Over time this can develop into TMD, where your jaw is locked up and in chronic pain. Improper biting due to the previously mentioned issues can cause this sort of discomfort.
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Orthodontics include incredibly adaptable treatments customized to an individual’s needs. If you are experiencing the above symptoms, then visit Dr. Dinh at our Corona practice. Eastvale Dental is here for all your orthodontic needs. Call us today!